

about SDGs


Something interesting just happened.

This is my gohan,and look this package.


Actually,new policy of Japanese government started from yesterday July 1st.


It is this,


we need to pay 5yen for a plastic bag when we buy something at store.

The government hope we think about environment and sustainable development goals through this new polity. 

Going back to the first topic,I just bought today's gohan at the store,and I realized that I forgot my bags.

A store clerk said that "I'm sorry,It cost 5yen for plastic bags from last day.So do you want to buy a plastic bag?"


I said "Yes.I forgot bring my bag.but I'll eat this soon waiting a train,so I don't need any bag maybe?"


She said"Then, I'll pack this bread with a simple bags.this is free."


And this is what happened,about first picture.ahaha


I appreciate for her kindness and I can understand her mind really.

but this is pointless about new policy,isn't it?


I just saw the battle between goodwill policy and good faith hospitality.


Yes,I'll try not to forget bring my bagΣ(OωO )